Friends of Dibblee .Point

Highlights FDP meeting 5-12-03


Attending:  Lori Baker, Shirley Bartholomew, Richard Caulfield, Tom Iverson, Ron and Joan Works, Dawn Griffith, Darrel Whipple


1)     Tree City USA:  Shirley introduced Tree City USA to the group.  She is pursuing registering Rainier as a Tree City.  FDP voted to support this project.

2)     Down by the Riverside – May 17th Cleanup

Plan:  Cleanup starts at 9am.  Begin at Point and work towards the middle of site.  BBQ starts at 12pm with awards to begin around 12:30pm.

·       Group discussed final arrangements.  Tom, Ron, Dawn and Darrel will have pickup trucks to haul volunteers and trash during the cleanup.

·       Tom and Richard will meet Lori and Dawn to set up tents at 8:30am

·       Shirley will be the greeter for the event and bring coffee supplies.  LB will brew coffee in am.

·       Dawn is in charge of setting up the BBQ.

·       Disposal arrangements have been made.  Rainier Sanitary Service will deliver a 4yard box to the site for Saturday and haul off later in the week. 

·       Columbia County Land Development Services is waiving the disposal fees from the transfer station.

·       Tom will invite folks from Wilcox and Flegel and Rightline.  Several of the folks receiving awards will be attending.

·       Will use FDP funds available to buy disposable cameras and developing for the cleanup.

·       Lori to check with SOLV regarding our Adopt a River, two-year commitment – will SOLV continue to support our efforts?


1)     Barrel and 1 yard update:

·       Rainier Sanitary has put a 1-yard box at Dibblee that has a lid.  LB and CCEC crew built a lid for the box that got burned up.  It is available to Rainier Sanitary if they would like. 

·       New lock and keys for box

·       Ron Works will give emptying the barrels 1x a month a go.  Lori to ask Ed Hayslip if he is interested also.


1)     Sign project:

·       Group reviewed a written project description (see attached)

·       Lori spoke with Joe Maser, a professor at Portland State University.  Professor Maser agreed to offer the project to his students as a potential internship.  He seemed confident that someone would be interested.


1)     Water trail:  The Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership ( is helping to establish a water trail from Bonneville Dam to the Pacific Ocean, they have published a nice brochure to introduce the project to communities (like Rainier) along the route.


2)     Money stuff:

·       Debra Stewart with the Columbia Soil and Water Conservation Dist. has written and submitted a grant to OWEB.  The grant addressed the cost of on-going disposal, port-a-potty rental, and material costs for community cleanup events.  If approved the monies must be spent by June 30th 2003.  The material costs portion of that would address supply needs such as first aid kit, etc. would be helpful for future cleanups, but because of timing will not help with the upcoming cleanup.

·       The Division of State Lands has agreed to help with the disposal costs up to $750.  Very cool.

·       Group reviewed a letter to the City of Rainier and the budget committee regarding a request for $750 – specifically for the mapping and sign project.

·       Group agreed to reimburse Hank and Shirley for printing costs.


1)     Reported Volunteer hours for April including our April meeting.

Projects include DBR prep and Earth Day booth.

Tom 2.5

Ilene 2.5

Shirley 3.5

Hank 5.5

Dawn 2.5

Richard 2

Ed 1.5

Lori 25


Meeting Highlights 4-2-03


1)     Beach cleanup – May 17th 9am-1pm.  Solv, Down by the Riverside event.

-    Ilene took on the task of posting the flyers around town.

-   Tom agreed to continue sending PR to local media

-    Dawn to head up picnic part of the cleanup

-     Lori to contact groups and clubs and invite to participate.

-      Agreed that it would be cool to present awards or recognition to folks or groups that have significantly contributed to our efforts would be really neat.  Hank agreed to design a certificate.

-       Lori will find out for sure if DSL and or any other agency will commit to assisting with the disposal costs – BEFORE the cleanup.


1)     Barrels – Dumpster

-     Barrels were emptied on 4-2-03 and hauled to the transfer station in St. Helens.

-     Lori has contacted Rainier Sanitation regarding services at D.P. waiting to hear back.

-      Still looking for a donated dumpster.   Agreed that we must either own or be able to rent a 1+yard box and have serviced at/near the beach before this summer, or will have to pull the trash barrels off.   Until then, Lori will continue to haul.


1)     Solv – Best of Oregon – Signage at Dibblee Point project

-      Sign with map at entrance – including trails, roads, etc.  working with DSL and BCX

-    $250 seed monies from Solv.  Will need to get donations for materials, sign layout etc.

-      To be completed by 10-03

-     Hank volunteered to come up with a concept sign. 

-     Lori to start investigating cost and requirements for sign it.

-       Craig with BCX has volunteered to help with installing the sign.

-         Christy Caballero with the Daily News is interested in writing a story about the project.   Lori relayed concerns expressed by Larry with DSL regarding 1) promotion of Dibblee point and volunteer events generate a certain amount of attention, which for DSL is sometime difficult because other groups and individuals want DSL to do something for them or there project. 2) Regarding any potential road closures.  Currently the restricted area at D.P is the sandpit, any other areas have not be closed off yet, mentioning it would be premature.  Group agreed to either endorse or oppose the potential closure of the haul road. FDP agreed that BCX should be the party to make public any potential road closures.

-        (Darrel, Richard and Lori meet with Christy at the beach 4-8-03)


1)     Get the word out –

-     Saturday survey, Richard has expressed interest in doing another survey this spring.  Hank was unable to compile the data from last spring due to the narrative nature of the survey.

-        Naturescaping workshop.   Group discussed if we should pursue hosting a naturescaping workshop as a fundraising event.  Patt Opdyke from the OSU extension service had volunteered to put on the workshop free of charge to help us raise funds for our projects.  Shirley reported that the Garden Club wasn’t a sure market, as they have lots of workshop opps. available to them throughout the year.  Darrel voted for the doing it.  No one objected.  Lori to set it up with Patt and generate interest from the community.


-       Earth Day Fair. April 26th 10-3p at the Longview Fairgrounds/ Expo.  Lori to set up a booth and sell birdhouse sponsorships and promote May 17th Down by the Riverside.


1)     Other Stuff-

-     Road improvements at Dibblee – Craig with BCX has recently graveled the two “public access” roads to the beach and they look great!

-      Shirley provided the group with a financial statement from the birth of FDP to date.

-     Volunteer hours for FDP members in March were reported.

-       Next meeting May 12th 7pm at Conerstone

Meeting Highlights: March 5, 2003

Present: Lori Baker, Shirley Bartholomew, Tom and Ilene Iverson, Joan and Ron Works, Ed Hayslip and wife (sorry I've forgotten your name), Richard Caulfield, Craig Smith.

Craig Smith with BC Excavation (the sand excavation opperation at the site) addressed the group regarding future changes in access at Dibblee Point. The "main haul road" will be closed to public access in the future. Two other roads will be posted as the public access routes to the river. Craig stated that he would be improving (grading) these two roads for the public.

Craig stated that liability and cost were factors in the decision to close the road. He also provided the group with some general background information regarding his business at Dibblee Point. Craig reassured the group that he has no intentions to close Dibblee Point or access to the point from the community.

The group discussed possible project ideas to summit at SOLV community meetings on Tues March 11th and March 18th.

The ideas generated were: 1) A dumpster in which to deposit trash from the barrels located on the beach for the local hauler to dispose of. 2) A sign at the enterence with a map indicating public access roads, trails, areas to avoid etc. 3) a port-a-potty on the beach.

Richard reported that he had sold several more sponsorships to the birdhouses.