Friends of Dibblee Point/Bird Boxes

Bird Box Project

The volunteers that make up "Friends of Dibblee Point" found a way to raise funds, to continue the ongoing effort to pick up and dispose of trash left by visitors at Dibblee Beach, Rainier, Oregon.

Thanks to Mr. Mike Scott of Rainier who donated the wood - Richard Caulfield is making custom bird houses that are now available for sponsorship.

F. D. P. invites the general public, as well as business owners to sponsor bird houses placed at Dibblee Beach. Sponsorship cost is only $7.50 for a small bird house or $15.00 for a large one. Each sponsorship lasts for one year and is renewable. Sponsorships ARE tax deductible.

Each bird house will be numbered and sponsors will receive a map of the area, including the location of their bird house, as well as a certificate.

Richard Caulfield of Rainier is installing one of the sponsored birdhouses at Dibblee Beach.

Richard is also the person who made the birdhouses and came up with the idea for the fundraisier.

For further information or to sponser a birdhouse, please contact
Lori at 503-556-2457,
or Shirley at 503-556-0978.

Photos courtesy of Christy Caballero, The Daily News.

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