Friends of Dibblee Point/Photos2

What a great day it was!

Friends of Dibblee Point
November 17th, 2001 beach clean up

Getting started

The day started out cool and a bit foggy, the number of dedicated people who turned out at 9 AM Saturday was truly fantastic. More than 50 people grabbed garbage bags supplied by SOLV and headed out on foot and in trucks to tackle, what turned out to be, a major clean up of Dibblee Point.

clean up

Garbage quickly began building up, before noon we had collected over 100 old tires and nearly filled one whole large drop box.

clean up 2

Trucks, trailers and commercial loaders as well as individuals and whole families carrying and dragging heavy garbage bags, kept coming in to unload literally tons of refuse collected off the beach and surrounding area.

clean up 3

All day long, they just kept coming in, unloading and heading out again.
Coffee, hot cocoa and Shirley's home made chocolate chip cookies were a welcome diversion for the tired workers who took short breaks by the fire to warm up.

clean up 4

Near the end of the day we had collected two and a half abandoned cars, filled one and 2/3 dump boxes with 5 tons of disguarded junk, accumulated nearly 300 old tires and created a large pile of recyclable metal.

"The community response to this project has really affected me. I have never felt the community pride that I did last Saturday. I regret that I did not meet everyone who came out to help." Lori Baker

If success can be measured in tired, wet and dirty souls or by the number of sore aching muscles or perhaps by the shear amount of trash collected then this effort by all means was a resounding success!

Thank you, everyone!

View the Before and After photos of the clean up.

Copyright 2001 Friends of Dibblee Point all rights reserved.